Season 1

July 15, 2022

Chapter 8: Penance Reprise

You think of something. Three memories converge. Confession is a game. A child doesn't believe in sin. An adult isn't too sure. There's space to be a complex disaster. Technology is complicated. A bucket list spills over into...
March 18, 2022

Chapter 7: Trials

Beyond the barricade, there is an HR office you'd like to see. Street medics find their audience, automatic drawing stirs old memories, and a cat's fate is unknown. You were a teacher once. An elevator shaft appears. Find a f...
Jan. 3, 2022

Chapter 6: Black Friday

You clear your head with an exhibition of souvenirs. Normalcy ends with a webcomic draft. You feel like prey. Speculation of surveillance abounds. A moon rock appears. At last comes the feast. Find a full transcript at planet...
June 2, 2021

Chapter 4: Keepsakes

To hold on tight, you have to let go. A helicopter readies for takeoff. You head downstairs to the atrium. It’s time for a movie. You play for the punks with your bass slung low. Debauchery is boring. Maybe there’s no reason ...
April 6, 2021

Chapter 3: Penance

You find a First Communion portrait on the roof. A graffiti-filled stairwell leads you to the third floor lobby. You divine the fate of an empty exhibition. The confessional line moves fast. Dots are connected. In this ho...
Feb. 19, 2021

Chapter 2: Planetarium

Your torch goes out. So much happens in the coat check. A woman enjoys a drugstore serenade. Month-old clues appear on a dying screen. A denim jacket survives a year of personal upheaval. Your therapist wants to talk about gr...
Jan. 11, 2021

Chapter 1: Astronauts

You look out the floor-to-ceiling windows and see a dead city. The museum has been abandoned for several weeks. Dark hallways remind you of a forest at night. A girl lies under a transmission tower and dreams of mech battles....